Friday, August 31, 2012

What Ya Gonna Do

I grew up in a situation where you were required to know the whereabouts of any police officer in the immediate area. By the time, I was thirteen I could steal any car on the road, by the time I was five I could smell a cop from fifteen miles away and could see one for at least a mile. If you grow up in the right or wrong situation, you learn to keep track of them.
As I became a man I followed the straight and true, but never entirely lost this old habit. I have had an unhealthy awareness of the cops all my life. I have done nothing wrong for many years, but just let a cop slip in behind me. I’m as nervous as a politician who looks in the mirror and sees a polygraph machine following too closely, or a pig who suddenly becomes Jimmy Dean aware.   
This used to be easy, remember when the citizens outnumbered the police? Okay I’m kidding, there are only about 800,000 in the country, but it’s hard to keep track of all of them. Even the Army only has a little over 500, 000 soldiers to police then entire world.  I’m certainly not picking on the police, just those who control them, the politicians and the insurance companies who pull the politicians strings.
Be that as it may, you bet I get nervous when a cop gets behind me, after all, he has a gun, and I don’t. The police are so thick in Miami Beach that when you read the newspaper, there is one standing behind you reading it too.  The citizens have circled the wagons and the Police have them surrounded. If your wife passes gas, a bush to your left might give her a ticket, more than likely they’ll give you one. Women are allowed to pass gas, but men are not allowed to be in their company when they do.
As if this isn’t bad enough, in Miami Beach you also have Tremont Towing and the reality show, South Beach Tow. Add to the cops a group of enthusiastic wrecker drivers who are backed by the cops and being filmed taking every car they can get their hands on and you are simply a little fishy in a big pond of fishes.
For some reason, others can park in the streets and totally block traffic while they eat a chicken sandwich or talk on the phone, I see it every day, but yours truly better not hesitate at a red light. I am beginning to think that Miami Beach has assigned me a personal officer and tow truck driver. If you run in to get a fourteen dollar yogurt, which is another story altogether, it might cost you an additional two hundred and seventy five bucks. After all the wrecker driver, the owner of the company, the cameraman, the rest of the film crew, the television network and millions of Americans have a vested interest in your car getting towed. What chance does an average American have in such situations?
How about the show Cops? Millions of Americans are sitting on the edge of their recliners with a beer in one hand and a bag of Doritos in the other hoping you are going to do some stupid stuff. I know the guy who is running from the cops on the intro of the show. It’s his only claim to fame, he brags about it when he is drunk, which is all the time. Of course, he has no teeth because just after the part you see, he fell off of a concrete embankment and knocked them all out. It was too graphic for television. I don’t want to be the bad boy guy, and If I were, I wouldn’t be bragging about it.
So if you get pulled over, and the cop has a film crew with him, you are in trouble. All those Americans are sitting there hanging on your every move. They do stupid stuff on a regular basis, but for some reason, it’s funnier when you do it. There is nothing more entertaining than to sit and slurp a few beers and watch people do things more stupid than the things you do. You have little chance when half of the country is rooting for you to get out of the car dressed in a pink tutu and try to explain you were on the way, to get diapers and bread.
Be careful where your wife passes gas, don’t park your car anywhere convenient, because anywhere convention is illegal and if you get pulled over by a film crew with a badge, understand you are about to do something incredibly stupid, there are just too many people rooting for and cheering you on. We Americans always seem to live up to others expectations, it’s what we do.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Well, If Sara Thinks So

After a day of silence, Sara Palin chimed in on Romney’s VP candidate, Paul Ryan. Man was I relieved, I had no idea what decision to make without her one and a half cents worth. In her statement, she mentioned Mitt and Paul three times, but mentioned Obama over twenty. She went on to point out California, as all that is wrong with America; she is probably uninvited to California, which might prove there may be hope for the state, after all.
She blamed our debt and deficit on Obama even though both have been problems since long before his questionable birth. She, in fact, contradicted herself by pointing out just how long they’ve been problems and blaming them on him in the same sentence. Sara is a perfect example of what we don’t need. She is not a Republican, but rather an anti-Democrat. What we don’t need is an anti anything. Anti’s are the reasons why we have such a stalemate now.
Fight the fight and win or lose, but if you lose, revert to being an American and help push the bus, don’t lie in front of it. As near as I can tell, she is merely mad because Americans did not vote her in as prom queen.
Being the Vice President actually comes down to one crucial thing, what happens if the President dies? The VP candidate is as important as the presidential candidate. I have spent several hours researching Paul to begin the decision process about who to vote for. No matter what any of you think, you cannot vote for R&R simply because of the party they represent. This is another big problem with DC, partisan politics continues to place people in office who don’t belong there. With enough money, anyone can become the proverbial fox in the hen house and let’s face it America is one extremely big hen house.
Paul seems to be a good ole boy and I mean that in a good sense, not as in the entrenched corrupted good ole boy system of the past. He appears to have worked hard, then paid for and received an excellent education. He takes care of himself and his family and can hunt, fish and trap anything. He is an avid outdoorsman, who might at least give the environment a fighting chance, under a Romney administration, it might not have otherwise. Places like the Kitty Kat Club and CyberDatingToRuinAMarriage. Com do not come up when you google him. Hey and there is no question he never worked at Bain.
As the Chairman of the House Budget Committee, he had already introduced two budget proposals; the first was shot down like a fighter pilot from Sara Palin’s fictional communist country of California. The second was met with better enthusiasm, proving he can take a lickin and keep on tickin. If you are going to be a politician in DC, you better be ready for disappointment, after all we the people are used to it and are preparing for more of it.
I guess the key question is. How long will it take Washington and the political meat grinder to transform the all American boy into the rubber stamp thumping self important, self serving politician we all have come to know and loath?
It seems that the only way to have a snowballs chance in politics, in America, is to have a Lawyer in the woodpile. Paul covers this essential qualification also, his father having been one and his wife currently being one. I won’t hold that against him and please, no letters; it was simply a very slight and not so good lawyer joke. Right now the lawyers in his background are the only sign of skeletons in his closet, which ain’t too bad. Of course, it is the duty of the Democrats, as it would be the Republicans if the tables were turned, to find out if he had an affair with the babysitter’s, cousin’s, mother’s, illegal maid. Or to find out if he pulled the wings off of flies or painted innocent puppies with stolen lipstick when he was young, oh crap that was me. At the moment, Paul Ryan looks like a decent pick and has already been voted as prom king once, of course he was also voted biggest brown noser.
I’m still not too sure about his running mate, as I’m of the opinion that most in Washington do not truly represent us average Americans. Regardless of what Sara thinks, it matters little who wins as far as the debt and deficit are concerned, both have and will continue to grow. Any person, who promises to stop them, is naive, a fool or simply lying. How can you tell a politician is lying? He is promising to balance the budget, decrease taxes or lessen the size of government.


Sunday, August 5, 2012

To Chick Or, Not To Chick

To Chick Or, Not To Chick
I can see a sound tar and feathering is in my immediate future.
When an idiot gets too much attention for his idiocy, he becomes famous, he then believes himself a genius.
I’ve got several friends that are openly gay. They have been the entire time I’ve known them. All are in long term monogamous relationships. Their being gay has no effect on our friendship and never will nor has it had any effect on my eating dry chicken sandwiches. Simply put, I like my friends and don’t like dry chicken. What they do is between them and God, in fact, what any of us do is between us and God, not between us and those who think they speak for God from their small minds.
All this controversy over a dry chicken sandwich seems a little stupid to me. I don’t care much for chicken and care less for a restaurant that decided that I can have chicken or chicken or of course if I don’t like chicken, I can always have chicken. Eat more what? What’s more, not being open on Sundays is a little outdated and will have little to do with who gets into the kingdom. Maybe someone wants a dry chicken sandwich after church. Am I wrong or do Christians eat on Sundays?
 In fact, all over the country many church members have one thing in common. After church, they gather to have dinner and talk about their church experience as well as everybody else in the church. Oh sorry, was that a secret? What would all those people do if every restaurant made this highly significant social decision for them? If you own a store and you don’t sell diet Coke, then you don’t care enough to have my business. If you own a restaurant and sell only one thing, like hot dogs or dry chicken sandwiches, you don’t need my business, you already have enough, and besides I can buy a dry chicken sandwich on every corner.
We Christians are no different than everyone else; we are influenced by the idiocy of others. If you need proof, look at the last two decades of presidential campaigns. As further proof look at a preacher who rose to fame in the fifties, he preached small minded messages against every atrocity to include homosexuals, abortions and pretty much anything anyone enjoys. He spent two decades on the pulpit condemning everyone and everything, spewing hate as he thumped the bible.
While sex between unmarried members of his church was forbidden, he was having sex with multiple women and men among his congregation and fathered many children inside the church. He was also arrested for soliciting sex from an undercover male police officer in Los Angeles. Finally, he convinced 909 people to kill each other or themselves. This person was Jim Jones.
I will never understand this kind of blind idiocy, but it continues on smaller scales throughout our country. I ain’t drinking Kool Aid, and no one is telling me what I can or can’t eat on Sunday or who I can or can’t love or marry. 
Most people operate from a place of fear. They have the strongest reactions about subjects they don’t understand or are scared of. In fact, most don’t understand that their fears and opinions come from their parent’s lack of understanding or fears. Most people get their small mindedness from the people who they grew up with or those who continue to influence them.  You can see their eyes glaze over as they spout bull that has been spoon fed to them. What they say has nothing to do with their own thoughts or opinions. They misquote facts and use wrong words in an attempt to sound informed and intelligent. Then they go to the polls and vote for someone for something as stupid as, does he eat dry chicken sandwiches.
I don’t eat dry chicken sandwiches, and I don’t drink Kool Aid given with quotes from preachers, philosophers or politicians.
I wonder if the people who own this company, ever eat out on Sundays. What do they believe about those who must work on Sundays, to feed their children? I’m just askin. I wonder if they’ve ever heard the verse, It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God" (Matthew 19:24). I’m just sayin!
How about let’s wait and let God decide who gets in and who don’t. How about we give him a little credit and believe he is compassionate and does not make such decisions based on the prejudices of man. It’s what I’ve always chose to believe, and when I arrive at my eventual resting place, I’ll drink any Kool Aid he offers.
God gave man free will, why cannot man leave it at that?