Sunday, September 9, 2012

Bull Poop Politics

Bull Poop Politics

Last week’s story was about every politician, not any politician in particular. I continue to scream about the political mumbo jumbo and others continue to turn it into partisan poop. I write with a non partisan pen, but others continue to destroy any slight grip on harmony we have and replace it with the ugliest division they can conjure in their smoldering, bubbling cauldrons.
The story was about political spin and those who use it and buy it. It got many comments online, in the many places it appears, but one woman seemed to have less of a clue than most. Her first comment, why do we allow democrats to vote, as all of them are on welfare? This was exactly the Kool Aid drinking attitude I was talking about. With one incredible and definitive statement, she proved she drinks the Kool Aid, the size of her glass and that her lips are red.
I have never been on welfare in my life and have no intentions of trying it. To say such a thing, is to demonstrate the depth of your ignorance or the depth of the ignorance of the person who influences you. You are still drinking Kool Aid created during the division and hatred of our past.
Her next statement shows even less intellect. Obama’s real father was Frank Marshall Davis; she even provided a link to a video which supposedly proved it. The video was removed by its poster, imagine that. I hate it that people will write and speak anything from a position of ignorance, I hate it more that others will actually believe it and sell it as truth. The real problem here, manipulative people write it, then retract it, but not before ignorant people believe it and run with it. Furthermore, the video went on to show Davis as a communist, never mind he was an intelligent, articulate, black man trying to create a better world for his children during the most prejudice and turbulent time in our history.
What if he were a communist when a teenage Barack met him? Must we be held accountable for those we knew as children? My grandfather and father were moonshiners, I dare say everyone in my family made, hauled, drank or lived off the money, moonshine provided. Not only am I, not on welfare, I don’t drink, make moonshine or haul it. Unlike the Kool Aid drinking idiots in this country, I am my own man and make my own decisions.
These seemingly intelligent adults who don’t have a clue about politics and don’t know the difference between certain parts of their anatomy and a hole in the ground would have you believe that Obama grew up as a mixed race child, in the most chaotic and racially biased times, in our history. While doing so he was busy make complex political affiliations with our enemies.
Teenagers look up to anyone who is addressing their particular concerns. Most know as much about politics as, well, someone who would say, all democrats are on welfare. It’s okay to be ignorant at fifteen, that’s why you can’t vote at fifteen. It’s dangerous to be ignorant at thirty or above because there is a twenty percent chance you actually might vote.
Before I go insane listening to the ignorance, let me make one more point. In a speech this week, Paul Ryan said, our country has moved from producing 5 million barrels of crude oil a day to producing 5.5 million a day since 2008, in 2011 our country imported less than half its daily consumption of oil, for the first time.
This should have been an indication of a resounding victory by the Obama administration. Instead, he went on to explain that Obama has fought every effort to drill and discover our own oil and natural gas resources. Further he explained that the high gas prices are entirely the fault of the Obama administration’s tax and environmental policies.
You can’t have it both ways. Either the administration increased production of crude oil by .5 million barrels a day, or they did not. If you’re going to make a generalized derogatory statement, make sure that the sentence just before it doesn’t prove it as total bull poop.
Continuing to say the same things repeatedly, does not make them true, regardless of which party says them. Obama did not create the price of gasoline, start the wars, create the deficit and did not implement the bailout fiasco. Who honestly cares who his father was?
I will go on record here and make a few predictions. In regard to the above matters, it mattered little who won in 2008, it matters little who wins in 2012. Gas prices and the deficit will continue to rise. The government will continue to grow and do stupid poop and both parties will continue to blame it on the other.

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