Monday, December 12, 2011

Have you Noticed

Have You Noticed
Or is it just me? When someone else owns a car, like the dealership, it’s worth more than your house. When you’re trying to sell one, it’s worth less than that ole dog sleeping under the porch which simply appeared one day and won’t go away. The sticker says it’s worth one thing, the blue book says another. The bank will only loan what they think it’s really worth, which is just a little short of what you need.
The insurance company charges you based on what the auto industry says, a number which is simply pulled from the air or based on a large profit margin. Well, some of it is based on making the union happy and paying some guy thirty-five bucks an hour to sweep floors. The only thing that would make more sense is for us to install a union for government workers. If I hear one more time how government workers have a write to treat you like dirt because they are over worked and under paid, I’m blowing a gasket, getting red in the #$% and going postal, at the same time. I’ve never worked at the post office and can barely spell postal, but we rednecks don’t have to understand something to do it. If you don’t like your job go to the auto industry. They pay much better and the union is already set up to harass and annoy Joe American.
If you wreck your car, insurance companies use another book to decide what it’s really worth and pay you on that number. The Gap between what its worth and what you owe, well that’s what gap insurance is for. Gap insurance is simply the insurance company holding you down, while the bank ties you up, so the auto industry can have their way with you. I’m sure glad we keep bailing these people out what would we do without them?
Have you ever noticed that your house is the same way? The roller coaster goes up when you get it financed, then down when you try to sell it. The roller coaster goes up when you refinance, then down when you get behind. The roller coaster goes up while you’re buying insurance or paying taxes, but plummets if they take it and sell it under foreclosure. You are then responsible for someone else’s bad deal on your former home. You owe the difference and in this case the bank is having its way with you as the insurance and finance companies hold you down. Even though you had equity in the house the gap between what you owe and what they sell it for is usually more than what you make in two full years of toil. Ever notice there are more houses in America than there are people and we still have homeless children?
What about baseball cards and comic books? Ever notice that your uncle George could leave you a 1932, Yankees Micky Mouse, the internet says it’s worth fifty-seven bucks, the card shop charges that for it, if they have one, but the one you got is worth less than a picture of aunt Mable bending over in the petunias with her bloomers showing? Comic books, don’t get me started, they were worth less than the paper they were printed on when they were printed, but someone will convince you they’re worth ten times that now.
It’s like that with all collectables. They’re worth a ton when you buy them, collect dust while you own them and are worth nothing when you die and leave them to someone. Wow that sounds like I’m talking about money, except mine doesn’t have time to collect dust as it’s always headed to someone else’s pocket and doesn’t stay in my account long enough to get comfortable. I remember when it was a good idea to collect money. You’d put some dollars in the bank and let them hang around with a bunch of their buddies. Soon we’ll be paying for stuff with baseball cards and comic books, apparently they’re worth more than our currency.
We are Americans and we are consumers. We have consumed oil at such a rate that it will soon go the way of the dinosaurs which it came from. We consume resources so voraciously that soon oil, natural gas and even water will become extinct. We take from the earth until it has nothing left to give. We as lower and middle class Americans are also a resource. When those at the top, use us up, where will they be and what will all their money be worth?
Have you ever noticed we’re on a runaway train and no one’s driving? Shhhhhhh don’t say anything the last thing we need is for someone to stand up and do something about it. You can beat a dog for only so long before it bites you.

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