Sunday, September 16, 2012

Bigger And Better Battles

Bigger And Better Battles
We are smack dab in the middle of a war we engage in every four years. A war that divides average Americans so deeply that it takes four years to heal the rift created. Ok I’ll buy it; somehow this is good for the country.
Political parties decide the two biggest bullies and then try to make us believe we made the decision. Once we buy into that bull, we get busy buying into all the other bull that goes along with it. We will fight amongst ourselves for at least a year before we presumably decide who wins. Millions of dollars will be spent by those who prove to be terrible stewards of our freedom, in the end, to prove one is better than the other.
Millions are spent to make thousands. Does that make sound business sense? How can we place our trust in anyone, who would take on such a losing proposition, to make decisions that are beneficial to our country?
A popular debate, campaign reform is akin to military intelligence and always concentrates on where the money comes from. Maybe we should pay more attention to who writes the lies. Wouldn’t it be better if we removed the spin factor? Make the politicians write and research their own lies. It would be much harder to come up with and keep the lies straight if they could not utilize speech writers and fact checkers. I dare say many would be caught in there constant web of lies and found out for their twisting of statistics and truths.
Who honestly cares where the money comes from? It might be better to look at where it ends up. Once you reach a certain amount of money, and for average Americans that amount is somewhere in the thousands, it becomes relative. For politicians, that number is in the millions. There is such a ludicrous amount of money involved in the election process that there is no way, someone exposed to that much filth can ever respect money or just how vital it is to the average American, ever again.
Take a guy who has more money than he could ever spend, throw so much money in his face and dare him to commit every form of deception imaginable and then expect him to represent the land of the free with integrity. Why are we shocked to get the same guy wearing the same smile, stealing the same money, wearing a different suit?
There are several things we as Americans love so much that they start earlier each year, such as Christmas, Thanksgiving, Halloween and of course presidential elections. What do all these have in common? They are all about or have become about money. Many people Christmas shop year round, and soon the election cycle will run continuously. We may be able to vote for the next president when we buy gas. Would you like cash back? Would you like a car wash today? Would you like a receipt? Who would you like to vote for as the next president? After four years, the oil companies would count the votes and determine the winner of the election.
Ok that wouldn’t be much of a change; the oil companies, insurance companies and the biggest asset holders in the country, the Chinese, already do that. So once we listen to a mounting pile of mess we as Americans go to the poles and try to make our uninformed decision. Of course if you believe the system we are not smart enough to figure out how to use the voting machines, and it is ultimately our fault that we elect dubious characters. Forget the fact, that ultimately the electoral votes decide our fate.
I would just as soon not get involved in that can of worms, but here goes. It was decided long ago we were not smart enough to make our own decisions and that system was created to save us from ourselves. It might need to be ended, but we continue to prove the creators of the system right, with the decisions we think we make.
As we wage war on ourselves, the rest of the world takes advantage of our ridiculous preoccupation. We have been attacked all over the world this week because someone who isn’t an American made a hate movie against the Muslim religion, in America. I wanted to write an article about that, but there are so many instances of atrocities on both sides throughout history, that I decide it was asinine to try.
Religious war is the purest form of an oxymoron to be found. The facts, lies, and idiotic justifications swirl in such a heated vortex that it’s best to stay out of it entirely. The war between Muslims and Christians is ten times older and ten times bigger than our elections, but they have many similarities and we love to hate both.

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